The secret of VAM

It was a sunny morning at the VAM-berg, a place that is slowly garnering fame as a challenging climb in the flat Netherlands. For many, it is a test of endurance and strength. For Nick from Assen and Martin from Abu Dhabi, it was their first encounter with this famous slope in a race, each with their own expectations and experiences.

Nick from Assen had already done some training on the VAM. He had conquered the mountain several times, but always in the context of training. Today was different. Today was his first race at VAM. In the run-up to the race, Nick had prepared for a hard course. He had climbed Alpe d’Huez, and although that climb is less steep but much longer, he knew that the intensity of the VAM could be unpredictable. ‘I expect the course to break,’ he had said, with the excitement clearly audible in his voice.

On the other side of the starting field was Martin from Abu Dhabi, an experienced cyclist in category 5. His climbing experience on legendary mountains such as Alpe d’Huez and Jebel Jais gave him a degree of confidence. Still, he knew from reconnaissance that the VAM would be a different challenge. ‘Position is everything here,’ he thought, checking his bike and preparing himself mentally. ‘Staying in the group will be crucial.’

The race began with an explosive start. Nick immediately felt the pressure from the peloton and VAM. The pace was high, higher than he had expected. Every turn, every uphill metre, seemed to exhaust his strength. ‘This is the moment when the race breaks,’ he thought, as he fought to maintain his position. The comparison with Alpe d’Huez quickly faded. The VAM felt different, more intense, more direct.

Martin, who normally stays confident in the group, did not feel at his best today. The first few metres were tough, and he knew it would be difficult to stay in front. The climb was short, but with every metre he felt how it got tougher. ‘I should have been better today,’ he muttered disappointedly to himself. Still, he persevered, knowing that every experience would make him stronger.

The VAM had revealed its secrets to them. Both boys would return, better prepared and stronger than ever.

By Anniek Zwiers